The Church Jesus Trained

Today is April 9, 2021 and another massively influential black celebrity and icon has passed on. Rest in love Earl Simmons who went by the stage name DMX. The news of his passing comes days after being hospitalized for a heart attack subsequent to an alleged overdose. Upon hearing of X's hospitalization, another hip hop icon slammed major players and entities in the music industry for not doing enough to help the artist whose talents line their pockets.
Master P, born Percy Miller, said to TMZ, "DMX is an icon, and I just hate that we have to wait till something happens to one of these guys, or to one of us, before everybody really starts saying how much they care, and they love you,” he explained. “I mean, we gotta figure out how to prevent that. … Drugs done killed a lot of our great ones, and sent a lot of ’em to prison, and I’m praying for DMX and his family. And I hope that people start celebrating these icons while they’re alive, imagine all the stuff we could’ve prevented for DMX, to help him.”
While I support what Miller is saying when he calls for a union within the music industry, specifically the hip hop community of the music industry, I can't help but wonder if "The Church" did what Jesus trained us to do would retired artists need to look to substances or the streets for support?
Master P calls for a union. I am calling for communion. I am calling for a Matthew 10 church that walks in their "authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness." I am calling for an Acts 5 church that has so much power that people are healed just by seeing the shadow of one who believes.

I'm calling for a Matthew 12 church that understands "To love {God} with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.” I'm calling for a John 15 church that knows they are appointed to "go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.."
Jesus ended that last quote with, "This is my command: Love each other," There is supposed to be a connection between loving each other and healing diseases. Depression is a disease. Anxiety is a disease. Addiction is a disease. Anything that is opposite of healthy and whole is disease!
If the church was doing more of what Jesus trained and less of what the enemy trains (*cough, cough, condemnation) imagine the support we could give to those who are hurting in our community. Imagine the mental and emotional healing we could provide to those who are suffering and struggling in silence. We could put the hospital out of business! (and the hospital debt too).

Support is supposed to be one of the anchors of the church. One body, many members, supporting each other. That means, if the church was loving one another and loving our neighbor as Christ loves us, more people would be running into the doors to get some of that love. More than that, more members of the kingdom would be going outside the doors to be with those who need to see the light we have to offer, and walking those people in. Support!
I hope the artists do form a union or create opportunities for those who are beyond their performing days. I think that would be great. But, more than that, I want to see a generation of believers rising up to take their place, bringing heaven on earth, saving lives and freeing souls.
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