Weekly Wellness Check #2

May is Here
The first week of May is coming to a close. This week brought some things to an end and began some new things, good bad, or indifferent. Following last month's wellness check, here is May's:
What was your week like?
Let us know. The highest high and the lowest low. Here are some other questions to reflect on:
How did you handle it?
What happened in April to prepare you for May?
Is May ready for you?
What is one thing God has said/shown/made clear to you this week? Do you believe it?
Have you rested?
If your answer to the last question is "no", even if it was "yes", this is your encouragement to take a moment. Sit still. Calm your heart. Take a deep breath (or multiple) and remember the peace we have in Jesus. Nothing is greater.
Remember to breathe through your day. Although each week may come with ups and downs of its own, worry is not a place we should call home. The showers of last month can prepare you for the joy in May.
Keep breathing. Keep going. Keep believing. God's got it!
"Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture."
-Psalm 37:3
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