Toy Hall Of Fame! Is Your Favorite Toy Of All-Time On The List?

Did you know there was a Toy Hall-Of-Fame? What was the one toy that you really wanted, had, and or remember? Is it so classsic that it made the Hall-Of-Fame?
The Criteria to making the list is, did this toy influence the way a generation played?
Believe it or not the Cardboard Box is in the Hall- of Fame. Another Unbelieveable "toy" was the "Stick". No... those were not toys but it's in because it influenced the way a genertation played.
Here is the list!
Alphabet Blocks Inducted 2003
Atari 2600 Game System Inducted 2007
Baby Doll Inducted 2008
Ball Inducted 2009
Barbie Inducted 1998
Bicycle Inducted 2000
Big Wheel Inducted 2009
Blanket Inducted 2011
Bubbles Inducted 2014
Candy Land Inducted 2005
Cardboard Box Inducted 2005
Checkers Inducted 2003
Chess Inducted 2013
Clue Inducted 2017
Coloring Book Inducted 2019
Crayola Crayons Inducted 1998
Dollhouse Inducted 2011
Dominoes Inducted 2012
Duncan Yo-Yo Inducted 1999
Dungeons & Dragons Inducted 2016
Easy-Bake Oven Inducted 2006
Erector Set Inducted 1998
Etch A Sketch Inducted 1998
Fisher-Price Little People Inducted 2016
Frisbee Inducted 1998
G.I. Joe Inducted 2004
The Game of Life Inducted 2010
Hot Wheels Inducted 2011
Hula Hoop Inducted 1999
Jack-in-the-Box Inducted 2005
Jacks Inducted 2000
Jigsaw Puzzle Inducted 2002
Jump Rope Inducted 2000
Kite Inducted 2007
LEGO Inducted 1998
Lincoln Logs Inducted 1999
Lionel Trains Inducted 2006
Little Green Army Men Inducted 2014
Magic 8 Ball Inducted 2018
Magic: The Gathering Inducted 2019
Marbles Inducted 1998
Matchbox Cars Inducted 2019
Monopoly Inducted 1998
Mr. Potato Head Inducted 2000
Nintendo Game Boy Inducted 2009
Paper Airplane Inducted 2017
Pinball Inducted 2018
Play-Doh Inducted 1998
Playing Cards Inducted 2010
Puppet Inducted 2015
Radio Flyer Wagon Inducted 1999
Raggedy Ann and Andy Inducted 2002
Rocking Horse Inducted 2004
Roller Skates Inducted 1999
Rubber Duck Inducted 2013
Rubik's Cube Inducted 2014
Scrabble Inducted 2004
Silly Putty Inducted 2001
Skateboard Inducted 2008
Slinky Inducted 2000
Star Wars Action Figures Inducted 2012
Stick Inducted 2008
Super Soaker Inducted 2015
Swing Inducted 2016
Teddy Bear Inducted 1998
Tinkertoy Inducted 1998
Tonka Trucks Inducted 2001
Twister Inducted 2015
Uno Inducted 2018
View-Master Inducted 1999
Wiffle Ball Inducted 2017