Christian Hip Hop Artist Shai Linne Reveals New Album Cover and Track List

Christian rapper, Shai Linne just announced he will be dropping a new album on July 21st and has already released a lyric video for the song “Supreme” featuring Beautiful Eulogy.
The record is called Still Jesus . The main point of Still Jesus is simple Linne says "We live in turbulent times, where things seem to shift more and more quickly. With all the changes of the past few years in society, the Church, and Christian Hip-hop, Jesus Christ hasn't changed. Hebrews 13:8- ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.’ Our main problem- fallen humanity’s sin before a Holy God- is still the same. And the solution to that problem- the gospel- is still the same. At the end of the day, It’s still all about Jesus,” Linne said of the album.
Linne was an atheist for most of his childhood and dates his conversion to 1999. Linne is Reformed in his soteriology and his 2008 album The Atonement included a song "Mission Accomplished", which defended limited atonement and explained what he went through when he found christianity.
Tracklist: Random Thoughts 3 Stand Up Supreme ft. Beautiful Eulogy Turn it Off MC Goya Battle Rap (Interlude) I'm Hot One Day One Day (Reprise) ft. Quinten Coblentz Ichabod Lord of All Immutable ft. Monielle Startling Mystery ft. Quinten Coblentz Washer's Warning