Houston Excellence
"You Do What You Got To Do To Make Your Dream Happen"
Born in Houston Texas to parents of African descent Onah Ifemedebe is the youngest of 5. Onah grew up as a tomboy playing sports and always wore a fresh pair kicks instead of 6 inch heels.
"Believe it or not, I was actually a tomboy, I always had a thing for shoes." As Onah grew up and entered her glow up phase, her sense of style changed and shocked everyone.
"My mom hated when I wore sweats, I know she is proud now."
Onah used fashion as an outlet to escape the harsh realities of the world. "I know it sounds crazy but pain inspired me to see life from a different spectrum. “Her faith in God, her work ethic and determination has led her down a successful path of building her brand, OI Style.
Working as a Style Consultant for Zara, Onah received daily compliments and praise for her sense of fashion and style on the job,
"People saw me wearing a lot of chockers and they liked what I wore, so I decided to capitalize off of it " What Onah did was start her online business of selling chockers or as she spells it, CHOKE HERS.
Zara also gave Onah the opportunity to style, "Working at Zara helped because I could style with my personality and throw on a choker if I want to."
Building a brand for the bottom can be time consuming especially if you work a 9-5, but with Onah's commitment to her dream she knew that there wasn't any room for excuses. She says that if you want the vision to come to life you will make it happen, no matter what.
"In regards to time, you make time, you do what you do to make your dream happen."
Mentorship is very important because it offers advice and support from professionals in your field of work and makes life somewhat easier. However, according to Onah, easier isn't always better, and she grateful for the struggles she has encountered on her way to the top,
"With me not having a mentor, it makes me more appreciative of where God has placed me.”
Although Onah did not have a mentor in the fashion world, she shouts God out to being the mentor and guide in life.
" God is my mentor, I pray to him often about things I want to accomplish."
She also says that she studies Bishop T.D. Jakes and how he moves as a business man.
"I read a lot of Bishop T.D. Jakes and I definitely consider him a mentor in regards to business and entrepreneurship.
Even though Onah has a successful choker line, this does not take away from her true love of styling and she hopes to collaborate with one of her favorite singers, Monica Brown.
"I would love to work with Monica. She is dope and I love her realness. She is transparent and not to mention she has a fly sense of style."
Check out Onah's CHOKER HER line visit her Instagram:OIStyle