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Hilary Pradia Gets 10 Minutes With Memphis 10 [VIDEO]


This morning I had the opportunity to sit down with Hilary Pradia and discuss the things that she encounters as a female asrtist doing ministry, her passion for her calling and her new project "Pretty Night" to be Exclusivley Release through

After speaking with her I was able to find out that she defines pretty as one who does not allow their outer appearance define their worth but rather one that serves the Lord and others. Hilary is an award winning recording artist who’s acclaimed for her powerful stage presence, fiery rap lyrics, songwriting and vocal skills.

Hilary has traveled across the country to spread a message of inspiration, hope and faith in Jesus Christ. She has been featured in various Christian magazines, radio and newspaper outlets. With all this under her belt she makes sure she gives time to participate in community outreach, prison ministry and a young adult leader and worship leader in her local church.

This young lady truly is putting work for her belief and looks to impact the world. If you missed the video check out below and make sure you keep your eyes open for Hilary Pradia as she thrives to continue to deliver a positive message.

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