Black Girl Magic Tour
Boss Women Media presents #BlackGirlMagicTour in Houston, Texas Hosted by SugarFina and The Not So Christian In Me Show was able to experience the magic at this inspirational event. Boss Women Media collaborates with renowned candy brand Sugarfina to create a memorable and meaningful networking experience through the Black Girl Magic Tour. The event is the first out of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex working to connect lifestyle experts, corporate queens, hustling entrepreneurs, and women creating a name for themselves without regret. @bosswomenmedia Is the Curator of networking experiences committed to helping corporate and entrepreneur women cultivate their dream careers by providing tips and tools from professionals and encouraging the community to participate. This opportunity brings like-minded women together while receiving advice from industry mavens on topics from launching a blog or a business, developing content strategies, or taking your existing plans to the next level.
During their stop in Houston, young women had the opportunity to take pictures with the Black Girl Magic photo booth and have samples of SugarFina Boss Women candy. Marty McDonald, the owner of Boss Women Media brought three phenomenal women, Kim Roxie, Teneya Gholston, and Courtney Brand to talk to young women about creating a brand that everyone can talk about. Kim Roxie discuss her process of creating her own makeup brand LAMIKBEAUTY of 15 years and discussed the importance in building your character. She also discussed how she invested in her community and put in the time to build her brand. Teneya Gholston, Director of Marketing for Creme Of Nature talks about receiving pitch ideas and encourage people to tell their story to a target audience whether its beauty or fashion. Ms. Gholston also discuss to young women about creating a brand that sticks which she says “Bring your entire self to the table, especially when you are the consumer, because you know the consumer better than anybody else”. Courtney Brand, Influencer and Content Creator for The B Werd discuss to the young ladies about putting in the time and making the time for your brand or business. She describes how it's important to fight for yourself in the company and make sure you know your accomplishments. Marty McDonald was a great host for the #BlackGirlMagicTour she gave great advice about the importance in knowing your strength and investing in yourself. She say’s “For every No you receive your Yes is on the way”. This event was full of beautiful black women from around Houston and there was a lot of magic in SugarFina.