Lecrae Addresses Lil Nas X's Shoes

Lecrae, What Do You Think?
Lecrae, mainstream CHH artist, just told us to mind our business. Besides calling the shoes creepy, Lecrae chooses to approach Nas X's "Satan shoes" by not approaching it. He equates the situation to attention-seeking and commercialization. The more we pay attention to the shoes and the conversation of what X is doing, the more we more we make him and his counterparts money.
The Houston rapper does acknowledge the variety of ways people are choosing to handle the #ShoeGate (if one wanted to call it that). Some people are happy for X's declared liberation, and others are burning everything that bears the Nike swish.
(Side note) SN: Just for clarification. Nike just settled a lawsuit with mschf (creator of X's shoes). mschf used Nike's "Jesus Shoes" line and turned them into "Satan Shoes" without Nike's permission.
Despite the varying opinions, Lecrae suggests that we should just pay what minds us, and like anything else when it loses the attention that sustained it, it will disappear.

First. This is just a 3 minute video about one man's opinion about a subtopic of happenings under Nas X's umbrella. So. Take from it what one will. Yes. Lecrae is a popular Christian rapper, and because of the society we live in, that seems to hold a lot of weight in the Christian and some secular communities. However, if there is one thought to be offered about the shoes and Lil Nas X overall, consider this:
How could we have loved him better? As Christians, the specific people he is purposefully opposing, how could we have loved him better? Also! What can we do to love the people around us that carry the same sentiment X holds?
Instead of flaming Nike or running to popular figures for advice, what can you do to listen and love your brothers and sisters that the Church (universal) is so quick to reject and condemn to Hell? We often forget that the Jesus we say that we love and the God we claim to serve exists for not just us but for also, if not even more, for those we (Christians) quickly reject. Remember, we are called to love and share the truth in love. We cannot love someone we don't allow ourselves to get to know.
A Word for the Road:
"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:36-40)
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